We are happy to consider all requests for donations and sponsorships to groups, schools, organizations and charities. We continually strive to support a variety of organizations and causes, especially those in DeWitt county. As the frequency and size of donation requests increase, we make every effort to provide our support to charitable efforts.
Although we would like to donate to all the worthy organizations that ask for support, it is impossible for us to fulfill every request.
You are welcome to submit a request form at any time. Donation requests must be received 6 weeks prior to your event to be considered.
Guidelines for All Donations
All requests must be made by completing our online Donation Request Form below.
Donation requests that are not submitted through our Donation Request Form will not be considered.
We prefer that donations benefit the group financially or provide a learning component. We do not donate items solely for decorating.
Upon notification of approval, all product donations must be picked up at the farm and must be scheduled in advance of pick up. Donations will not be delivered.
A maximum of one request per organization/group per year.
If a donation is granted, we will contact you via phone or email. Unfortunately, not all requests can be fulfilled, and decisions will be left to our discretion. Past support of an organization or event does not guarantee future support.