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Sunday Supper With The Petersons

This week's Sunday Supper is brought to you by the Peterson family. The Petersons are no strangers to making locally grown produce part of their family meals. The Petersons have been return members of our farm's CSA since our rookie season.

Each evening after their CSA pick up, Jessica goes LIVE on Facebook to talk about what the family received in their CSA, in addition to preparing an entire dish highlighting our farm's vegetables. It's been very exciting for us to see the fruits of our labor bring joy to another family, especially LIVE on Facebook. Most importantly, we are honored and humbled in knowing that we're contributing to meals that bring families together. That's what it's all about!

When I mentioned the Sunday Supper take over idea to Jessica, she welcomed it with open arms. And it sure was great timing. The Petersons were getting ready to leave to visit family in Boston, Massachusetts and planned on taking our DeWitt County grown sweet corn with them to share with their Boston family. 

Corn on the cob with butter make a perfect pair, but if you think of all the ways we eat corn — in chowders, salads, vegetable medleys and baked goods — you realize how well it pairs with both savory and sweet. This week we've included a roundup of recipes and inspiration from across the web for livening up your next meal that involves this summer staple. 

We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Peterson family for participating in our Sunday Supper take over and allowing all of us to join around the virtual supper table! If you’re interested in doing a Sunday Supper takeover on our blog, contact us. We’d love to feature more families who are open to having virtual guests at their next Sunday Supper! 

Be sure to share comments, pictures, or videos of your Sunday Supper by sharing them to our social media pages, tagging us @MariahsMums, and using the hashtags #TripleMFarm #SundaySupper.

Your Farmers, Mariah & Greg Anderson


Sweet Corn Recipe Roundup




Main Dish

Corn on the Cob Rubs/Toppings 

Side Dish


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